A Day in the Life accordi The Beatles per chitarra e PDF scaricabile gratis.

La canzone A Day in the Life di The Beatles รจ stata pubblicata nel 1967 e presente nell’album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”A Day in the Life accordi
Suona tutte le sue canzoni nella sezione dedicata “The Beatles accordi“.

Difficoltร  di esecuzione del brano: Media
Tonalitร  accordi della canzone: SOL

Testo e accordi A Day in the Life The Beatles

Introduzione: SOL SIm MIm MIm7 DO DO SOL SIm MIm MIm7 I read the news today oh boy DO DO/SI LAsus2 About a lucky man who made the grade SOL SIm MIm MIm7 And though the news was rather sad DO FA MIm MIm7 Well I just had to laugh DO FA MIm DO I saw the photograph SOL SIm MIm MIm7 He blew his mind out in a car DO DO/SI LAsus2 He didn't notice that the lights had changed SOL SIm MIm MIm7 LA crowd of people stood and stared DO FA They'd seen his face before MIm Nobody was really sure MIm7 DO If he was from the House of Lords SOL SIm MIm MIm7 I saw a film today oh boy DO DO/SI LAsus2 The English Army had just won the war SOL SIm MIm MIm7 LA crowd of people turned away DO FA MIm But I just had to look MIm7 DO Having read the book DO SI5 I'd love to turn you on Instrumental:MI MI REsus2 Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head MI SI7sus4 Found my way downstairs and drank a cup MI SI7sus4 SI7 And looking up, I noticed I was late. Ha, ha, ha. MI Found my coat and grabbed my hat REsus2 Made the bus in seconds flat MI SI7sus4 Found my way upstairs and had a smoke MI SI7sus4 And somebody spoke and I went into a dream DO SOL RE LA MI DO SOL RE LA MI RE DO RE Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah... Ah... SOL SIm MIm MIm7 I read the news today oh boy DO DO/SI LAsus2 Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire. SOL SIm MIm MIm7 And though the holes were rather small DO FA They had to count them all; MIm MIm7 DO Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall. SI5 I'd love to turnn you on. MI

Altre canzoni con accordi che potrebbero interessarti

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A Day in the Life – Video

I testi e gli accordi delle canzoni contenuti nel sito sono proprietร  dei rispettivi autori.
La Legge n. 159 del 22 maggio 1993 ne consente l'uso solo per attivitร  didattica, di studio e di ricerca.
Gli autori potranno richiederne la rimozione in qualsiasi momento.
L'intepretazione degli accordi รจ frutto di un mio lavoro individuale.