Eyes Closed accordi Ed Sheeran per chitarra e PDF GRATIS.

Nuovo singolo intitolato “Eyes Closed” di Ed Sheeran. La canzone farà parte del suo quinto album in studio intitolato “Subtract”, ed é la track numero 3 del disco uscito il 5 maggio. Con “Eyes Closed”, Sheeran continuerà a mostrare il suo talento come cantautore e a regalare ai suoi fan nuove emozionanti melodie. Eyes Closed accordi

Difficoltà di esecuzione del brano: Media
Tonalità accordi della canzone: RE

Eyes Closed accordi Ed Sheeran

Testo e accordi Eyes Closed

INTRODUZIONE: RE RE SIm SOL RE I know it's a bad idea RE But how can I help myself? SIm Been inside for most this year SOL RE And I thought a few drinks, they might help RE It's been a while, my dear Dealin' with the cards life dealt SIm I'm still holdin' back these tears SOL While my friends are somewhere else RE RE I pictured this year a little bit different when it hit February SIm SOL I step in the bar, it hit me so hard, oh, how can it be this heavy? RE RE Every song reminds me you're gone SIm and I feel the lump form in my throat SOL 'Cause I'm here alone RE LA Just dancin' with my eyes closed SIm SOL 'Cause everywhere I look, I still see you RE LA And time is movin' so slow SIm SOL And I don't know what else that I can do So I'll keep dancin' with my RE Eye-eye-eye-eyes LA SIm Eye-eye-eye-eyes closed Eye-eye-eye-eyes SOL So I'll keep dancin' with my RE Delusion is here again LA And I think you'll come home soon SIm A word brings me right back in SOL RE Then it's only me that's in this room I guess I could just pretend LA The colors are more than blue SIm But I lost more than my friend SOL I can't help but missin' you RE LA I pictured this month a little bit different, SIm no one is ever ready SOL And when it unfolds, you get in a hole, oh, how can it be this heavy? RE LA Everything changes, nothing's the same, SIm except the truth is now you're gone SOL And life just goes on RE LA Just dancin' with my eyes closed SIm SOL 'Cause everywhere I look, I still see you RE LA And time is movin' so slow SIm SOL And I don't know what else that I can do So I'll keep dancin' with my RE Eye-eye-eye-eyes LA SIm Eye-eye-eye-eyes closed Eye-eye-eye-eyes SOL So I'll keep dancin' with my RE Eye-eye-eye-eyes LA SIm Eye-eye-eye-eyes closed Eye-eye-eye-eyes SOL Oh, I keep dancin' with my RE They're shutting the bar, LA they're cleaning the floor SIm And everyone is already home SOL But I'm on my own RE LA/Do# Still dancin' with my eyes closed SIm SOL 'Cause everywhere I look, I still see you RE LA And time is movin' so slow SIm SOL And I don't know what else that I can do So I'll keep dancin' with my RE Eye-eye-eye-eyes LA SIm Eye-eye-eye-eyes closed Eye-eye-eye-eyes SOL Oh I'll keep dancin' with my RE Eye-eye-eye-eyes LA SIm Eye-eye-eye-eyes closed Eye-eye-eye-eyes SOL Oh, I keep dancin' with my

Nel suo profilo Instagram, Ed Sheeran ha pubblicato un post in cui parla della sua canzone che parla della perdita di una persona cara. Nelle immagini in bianco e nero, lo si vede seduto in un bar in rovina, immerso nella tristezza e nel dolore.

Accordi Eyes Closed e altre canzoni da suonare che potrebbero interessarti

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Eyes Closed – Video

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