Gli accordi di Blue Christmas The Lumineers per chitarra.

INTRO ACCORDI: DO SOL I'll have a blue Christmas without you SOL7 DO I'll be so blue, thinking about you DO7 FA Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree RE/LA SOL Won't mean a thing dear, if you're not here with me DO SOL I'll have a blue heartache for certain SOL7 DO And when those blue memories start hurting DO7 FA RE And you'll be doin' alright, with your Christmas so white SOL FA DO But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas DO SOL SOL7 DO DO7 FA RE SOL FA DO SOL And when those blue heartache start hurting SOL7 DO I'll have a blue memories for certain DO7 FA RE And you'll be doin' alright, with your Christmas so white SOL FA DO But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas DO7 FA RE And you'll be doin' alright, with your Christmas so white SOL FA DO But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas

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